President of Turkmenistan Receives Leaders of Major Construction Companies | Official news

President of Turkmenistan Receives Leaders of Major Construction Companies

President of Turkmenistan Receives Leaders of Major Construction Companies
Head of the Russian company Vozrozhdenie Igor Bukato

On Thursday in Ashgabat, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov met with leaders of Bouygues, Vozrozhdenie, and the CLAAS engineering company.


Meeting with Bouygues Executives:

During the meeting with Bouygues Deputy CEO Edouard Bouygues, Board Member William Bouygues, and Head of Bouygues Bâtiment International Pierre-Éric Saint-André, the parties discussed further development of their longstanding mutually beneficial cooperation.

The head of state emphasized that Turkmenistan is always open to collaboration and is ready to strengthen partnerships with companies that have significant experience, such as Bouygues.

Bouygues representatives expressed gratitude for the trust and support, reaffirming their interest in strengthening the company’s presence in the promising Turkmen market, while strictly fulfilling their commitments and working diligently to successfully implement projects.


Meeting with Igor Bukato, Head of the Russian Company Vozrozhdenie:

Igor Bukato expressed pride in their successful collaboration and showed interest in continuing the partnership within the framework of major infrastructure projects.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov highlighted the favorable conditions for foreign businesses in Turkmenistan and expressed readiness to consider proposals from Russian partners for expanding cooperation.


Meeting with CLAAS Chairwoman Katrina Claas-Mühlhäuser:

The president expressed confidence that the current visit would lay the foundation for strengthening mutually beneficial relations with German partners. The Turkmen side is prepared to consider specific proposals for further cooperation.

Katrina Claas-Mühlhäuser confirmed the company’s desire to deepen productive ties with the country, which has created favorable conditions for effective cooperation.

On the same day, the president met with the head of the World Ethnosport Confederation, Bilal Erdoğan, who arrived in Turkmenistan to participate in the celebrations of the 33rd anniversary of independence.