Структурная геология | Геологический портал GeoKniga

Издание 3
Автор(ы):Bailey C.M., Hatcher R.D.
Издание:Oxford university press, 2020 г., 656 стр., ISBN: 9780190601966
Structural geology. Principles, concepts and problems / Структурная геология. Принципы, основы и проблемы

The arrangement of chapters in the book follows the same outline as previous editions, with no major organizational changes. One thing that may be noticeable is that much of the discussion of the historical basis of concepts and ideas has been moved to essays. This permits students who are interested in the historical development of structural geology to explore further, but it does not interrupt the overall flow of chapters.

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
Издание 2
Автор(ы):Passchier C.W., Trouw R.A.J.
Издание:Springer, 2005 г., 370 стр., ISBN: 978-3-540-64003-5
Microtectonics / Микротектоника

Basic concepts of microtectonics are introduced and discussed in this chapter. The study of thin sections of rocks, which was originally mainly petrographic, has evolved during the last century to include a number of structural characteristics, that constitute the microstructure or fabric of a rock. The study of this fabric can be used to reconstruct the structural and metamorphic history, but also to improve the understanding of deformation and metamorphic processes.

ТематикаГеотектоника, Стратиграфия
МеткиМикротектоника, Структурная геология
Выпуск 2
Автор(ы):Автандилова Н.И., Батурин Г.Н., Бойко Н.И., Гаврилов Ю.О., Грайзер М.И., Дислер В.Г., Козельский И.Т., Кондратьева И.А., Кутырев Э.И., Ляхницкий Ю.С., Мазор Ю.Р., Матвеев А.К., Опарышева Л.Г., Пеньков В.Ф., Розен О.М., Сафонов В.Г., Стефанова Е.И., Тамбиев С.Б., Успенский В.А., Шиморина Е.Ф., Шмарович Е.М.
Редактор(ы):Холодов В.Н.
Издание:Наука, Москва, 1982 г., 128 стр.
Литология и полезные ископаемые. Выпуск 2/1982

Тамбиев С. Б., Батурин Г. Я. Редкоземельные элементы в процессе океанского фосфоритообразования
Сафонов В. Г. О генезисе фосфоритов на подводных горах Северо-Западной части Тихого океана
Дислер В. Н., Автандилова Я. Я. Геохимия кремнезема слабоминерализованных гидротерм в зоне гипергенеза
Гаврилов Ю. О. Аутигенные образования юрских отложений Западного Дагестана

Бойко Я. Я. О генезисе доломитов верхнеюрских карбонатных отложений Западного Предкавказья
Кутырев Э. И., Ляхницкий Ю. С. Роль карста в формировании месторождений свинца, цинка, сурьмы, ртути и флюорита
Пеньков В. Ф., Кондратьева И. А., Шмариович Е. М., Опарышева Л. Г., Успенский Baд. А. Ураноносные битумы на месторождении, связанном с зонами пластового окисления

Автор(ы):Moores E.M., Twiss R.J.
Издание:W.H. Freeman and Company Publishers, 1992 г., 538 стр., ISBN: 0-7167-2252-6
Structural geology / Структурная геология
ТематикаСтруктурная геология
Редактор(ы):Chauvet A.
Издание:MDPI, 2019 г., 257 стр., ISBN: 978-3-03897-784-1
Structural control of mineral deposits. Theory and reality / Структурный контроль месторождений полезных ископаемых. Теория и практика

“Structural Control” remains a crucial point that is frequently absent in scientific and/or economic analyses of ore deposits, whatever their type and class, although a selection of references illustrates its importance [1–5]. The case of lode deposits is particularly adapted, but other types, like breccia pipes, stockwork, massive sulphides, skarn, etc., also concern Structural Control. Works on the Structural Control of ore deposits are not abundant in the recent literature, and, as frequently suggested, structural geology often is not sufficiently developed in the exploration programs of many mining camp’s strategies.

Выпуск 1
Редактор(ы):Mukherjee S.
Издание:Springer, 2021 г., 727 стр., ISBN: 978-3-030-0142-3
Structural geology and tectonics. Field Guidebook. Volume 1 / Структурная геология и тектоника. Практическое руководство. Часть 1

Techniques of geologicmapping and geologicmap creation have changed significantly from traditional paper-based methods. Geologic mapping and data collection in the field is now primarily facilitated by mobile devices and dedicated geologic mapping software. Geologic map production has become a fully integrated process, importing digital data from the field and making use of cartographic software, such as ArcGIS and Adobe Illustrator, to create interactive geologic map products.

Автор(ы):Allmendinger R.W., Cardozo N., Fisher D.M.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2012 г., 312 стр., ISBN: 978-1-107-01200-4
Structural geology algorithms. Vectors and tensors / Алгоритмы структурной геологии. Векторы и тензоры

State-of-the-art analysis of geological structures has become increasingly quantitative, but traditionally, graphical methods are used in teaching and in textbooks. Now, this innovative lab book provides a unified methodology for problem solving in structural geology using linear algebra and computation. Assuming only limited mathematical training, the book builds from the basics, providing the fundamental background mathematics, and demonstrating the application of geometry and kinematics in geoscience without requiring students to take a supplementary mathematics course.

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
МеткиГеомеханика, Структурная геология, Тензор напряжения
Редактор(ы):Goudswaard W., Jenyon M.K.
Издание:European association of exploretion geophysicsts, 1988 г., 292 стр.
Seismic atlas of structural and stratigraphic features / Сейсмический атлас структурных и стратиграфических особенностей

This Atlas is designed to be a useful work of reference in an easily-handled format amenable to future expansion both by the E.A.E.G. and the users themselves. It is intended for geoscientists in both the industrial and academic spheres who are at an early career stage, and who would find it of value to see how the interpretation of a wide variety of types of structure is approached on actual examples. The notes accompanying the examples have been kept as concise as is consistent with clarity, and some guidance for further study has been given in the form of a list of key words, and brief references with each group of examples; these in turn will open up the literature.

Автор(ы):Park G.
Издание:Dunedin Academic Press Ltd, 2012 г., 148 стр., ISBN: 978-1906716264
Introducing tectonics, rock structures and mountain belts / Знакомство с тектоникой, горными структурами и горными поясами

Meaning and scope of the terms ‘tectonic’ and ‘structure’ The adjective ‘tectonic’ merely means ‘structural’, i.e. applying to a structure. However, in geological usage it has come to be applied particularly to large-scale structures – thus ‘tectonic plate’. In order to explain rock structures, it is necessary to understand the forces operating within and on the crust that are responsible for creating them, and to do this, we need to investigate the Earth-scale processes known collectively as plate tectonics. The term ‘structure’ in everyday usage refers normally to a building or other artificial construction, but in geological terms it has come to mean a body of rock whose shape can be defined geometrically and which has originated by a geological process.

ТематикаОбщая геология, Региональная геология, Структурная геология
Автор(ы):Black J.L., Claerbout J.F.
Издание:Stanford University, 2001 г.
Basic earth imaging / Базовое изображение земли

The main theme of this book is to take a good quality reflection seismic data set from the Gulf of Mexico and guide you through the basic geophysical data processing steps from raw data to the best-quality final image. Secondary themes are to introduce you (1) to cleaned up but real working Fortran code that does the job, (2) to the concept of “adjoint operator”, and (3) to the notion of electronic document. <...>

ТематикаГеофизика, Структурная геология
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