As an advertiser, you can use conversation ads to start a conversation with professionals and business decision-makers through LinkedIn Messaging on both desktop and mobile devices. Conversation ads are a form of native advertising displayed to members through LinkedIn Messaging based on the target audience you create.
Important to know
How conversation ads work
With conversation ads, you can set up multiple call-to-action (CTA) buttons that link to your landing pages, open a LinkedIn Lead Gen Form, and encourage engagement with more information in the next message. The prepopulated responses to their selections are determined through a message decision tree you create.
Important to know
The first CTA button is displayed at the bottom of the screen and remains visible as members scroll through the message. As members engage further and click more CTA buttons, the first button of the latest message is displayed and remains persistent at the bottom of the screen.
To ensure members see relevant ads and to improve their member experience, a Not Interested CTA button is automatically added to the intro message of a new conversation ad and an edited or duplicated existing conversation ad. When a member clicks the Not Interested CTA button, they can either delete or archive the conversation ad. LinkedIn will also minimize the amount of times a member sees an ad from that campaign.
Important to know
Conversation ads are charged by cost per send (CPS) and are available under five objectives in Campaign Manager:
Brand awareness
Website visits
Lead generation
Website conversions
Some considerations to be aware of when using conversation ads are:
- Conversation ads might appear to be sent from a company or a LinkedIn member’s profile, as ads will appear in Messaging with the Sponsored label.
- When using the website visits campaign objective, you must have at least one CTA button leading to a landing page.
- With the lead generation campaign objective, one of your CTA buttons must click to open a Lead Gen Form. Only one Lead Gen Form can be linked per ad creative.
- A Not Interested CTA button is required and automatically added to the intro message of a new conversation ad or when you edit or duplicate an existing conversation ad. If you have five CTAs in an existing conversation ad, you’ll be prompted to remove one to accommodate the required Not Interested CTA.
- To maintain the member experience and help your ads reach members in your target audience in a timely manner, we strictly control the number of times a member can receive Sponsored Messaging within a given time period. As a result, it’s unlikely the same member will receive your ad twice within a short period of time.
- To provide a relevant experience for our members, conversation ads received by individuals in your target audience are automatically moved to their Archived Messages folder between 20 and 40 days after receiving the message. Members can still access your message from their Archived Messages folder.
- You can measure the performance of your advertising campaign with engagement metrics. Compare the number of button clicks received for each action in your conversation ad with the Conversation Ad Flowchart.
Related tasks
- Archive LinkedIn messages
- Create conversation ads in Campaign Manager
- Export Reports in Campaign Manager
- View the conversation ad flowchart
- Demographics for your LinkedIn Ads in Campaign Manager
Learn more
- Conversation ads advertising specifications
- Conversation ads best practices
- Sponsored Messaging sender permission requests FAQs
Learn more about campaign objectives