A few thoughts about HD Speed - Page 6
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  1. #76

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    For me the products work and I`ve gotten better results from the 3D stuff I`ve purchased than some of the OTC or $$$ product of the month boasting I`ve seen on many of the forums over the years.

    TD`s work speaks for itself for the last cpl of years I`ve reviewed his posts. I think he`s justified to spread the word on those products that he`s had great success with. He has passion.

    3D has every right to market their products how they choose.

    Competition in the marketplace is good and feedback of products on these forum can have a trickle down affect and improve products for all of us. UNO comes to mind.... UNOv4 is a result of our opinions on the product.

    I personally didn`t have a problem with UNO v2. But many people did.

    People have asked for reviews on the 3D line and now TD is giving us a taste of what to expect. Hurray....

    Every line/mfg/vendor has some outstanding, average at best, and dud products and everyone has a fan favorite....That`s ok.

    I`ve spent a lot of $$ buying products that others on the forums have boasted how great they were and I didn`t like.

    Live and learn.

    Detailing is like Golf. You can`t use just ONE club for the entire round. You need to change up products, round out your game, and skills to be successful.

    Golfers are always tinkering with different products (balls,clubs,bags,shoes) to improve their game.

    Do people always use Callaway balls with their Callaway clubs? I bet a lot of the time they use whats on sale, were given as a gift, or want to change it up for something different.

    That`s part of the fun of it for many of us...Trying new products in the search for what works best for our situation..

    One mans junk is another mans treasure.

    Quote Originally Posted by pwaug
    It must be you!! If you`d been reading the forum for the past year it would be evident to you that Thomas was "over the top" about HD products long before he was an employee (which has only been for the past few weeks). His attitude regarding HD comes from the success he`s had with the products not because of a pay check. If Thomas (or any product support specialist) is able to obtain excellent results with their product doesn`t it make sense that he should point that out to someone who is not getting excellent results?? Why would a product support specialist for a company agree with a customer when the customer has negative comments about the product he supports?? Wouldn`t it be to his advantage to point out that the product was being used incorrectly and suggest ways to use the product correctly for better results?? I just don`t understand this flap about 3D pushing their own products on the website they support---and you can come to this website and discuss any product you like, and post any URL you like even if it`s a product that competes with a 3D product. Try that on AG and see what happens.

    Reeeko99, 13 Subaru Legacy Sport White, 15 Subaru Outback Premium Silver

  2. #77
    Dan's Avatar
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    Here is what makes this forum different. You can slam an HD product on here and get away with it, as long as you show constructive criticism. Plenty of people have come on here and complained about UNO. On another forum those posts would be deleted. Guess what 3D did? They kept improving the formula. Now the only complainers are the ones using the product incorrectly.

    I`ve posted all over the place and gotten so many warnings for talking about products that a vendor doesn`t sell. Not here. That and the caliber of people posting here are what makes me stay. If Thomas wants to rave about HD, good for him. Check out all my posts raving about ZAIO, they are still here. I`m surprised I haven`t been called a shill. For that matter Accumulator must be a FK shill.

  3. #78

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan
    Now the only complainers are the ones using the product incorrectly.

    Unless you are there when other people are using UNO, and not getting good results, you can`t make that statement. I`ve given UNO many, many tries, on many cars, with many different pads and polishers, and i just don`t like the marring it leaves behind. Of course I`m comparing it only to 105. yes, UNO has about NO dust, which is great. But for you to tell me I`m not using it correctly is ignorant at best. You don`t know me, know my methods, what I can and can`t do, nothing. It shouldn`t be rocket science to compound and polish a car. Now if the results I`m getting are as intended, that`s just fine. I will continue to use my UNO bottle I purchased hoping i can get good results with it (meaning, not leave behind SO much micro marring), and if not, it`s just 40 bucks, no big deal.

  4. #79

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    RZ, no matter what people are going to make assumptions they have no right making, so why even argue about it. Thomas isn`t going to give up or give in, he`s made that pretty clear.

    As for me, I love the HD products I use. I do, however, skip over Thomas`s comments generally. I know he`s paid to market the products, but after a while the "This is the absolute bestest product to ever be invented" pitch gets old and loses credibility. I do pay attention when he`s giving advice and other things because he`s a talented detailing. I just tend to skip over the HD product reviews of his. Nothing personal, and I don`t think he`s being deceptive or anything. I think he truly is enthusiastic about the products. But when the first response to a customer who isn`t pleased is "You must be using it wrong," That`s not customer service. That`s a superiority complex.

  5. #80

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    Quote Originally Posted by gooshster
    Please show me some posts on any site where Thomas is raving about 3d products prior to 3d taking over autopia.

    You don`t seem to understand--I said "long before he was an employee" not before 3D took over Autopia. Until a few weeks ago Thomas was just another detailer who frequented Autopia.org and he was enthusiastic about 3D products. He only recently became an employee. I still don`t get it--why the uproar -- if person A gets great results with a particular product and person B does not, what is the reason?? Could it be that person B is using the wrong technique? Wrong pads? Wrong arm speed? Wrong RO speed? Wrong pressure? There are allot of variables, but the product has remaind the one constant so it must be something other than the product. Thomas is only trying to get to what is causing the unacceptable results since he knows by experience what the product can do. Nothing more than any other product specialist would do.

  6. #81

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    Quote Originally Posted by brownbob06
    But when the first response to a customer who isn`t pleased is "You must be using it wrong," That`s not customer service. That`s a superiority complex.

    I couldn`t agree more.

  7. #82

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    Quote Originally Posted by pwaug
    Thomas is only trying to get to what is causing the unacceptable results since he knows by experience what the product can do. Nothing more than any other product specialist would do.

    I wouldn`t say that exactly, at least not to me personally. Yes he`s a long time detailer and good and all that, but his responses have not exactly been "hey man let`s figure this out and help you get on the right track".

  8. #83

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    ^^^ I think that`s what`s going on here. Instead of trying to help figure out what the problem is, the response is "here is what I can do with it, if you can`t finish like this its your problem." Followed by unprofessional bickering.

  9. #84

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    How about "what speed and machine are you using? How much pressure? What pads? How many passes are you making? How big of an area are you working on? I can personally finish out great with this product, try (insert helpful tip) and let me know if things get better.

    A little bit of genuine interest in helping people goes a long way.

  10. #85
    Dream Machines SVR's Avatar
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    Being passionate about something can be good and bad, some go over the top and love a product so much that they can`t shutup about it, I`m slightly like that with Xpert`s two single polish systems, because after 105 brands tested and too much money spent, I finally found something that makes paint refinishing so much easier

    Thomas is well known here and goes way back and it`s only now that I even faintly know the man behind the name

    Now I don`t believe that 3D HD UNO was the first single polish system, System One from Tom Horvath has that title me thinks, my preference of polishes from Xpert (at least the 1000 Ultra Polish) I`m pretty sure has been out longer than Uno (10 years) but Xpert and 3D and their two SP systems I feel lead the industry at the moment.

    well thomas having lots of experience with each version of Uno would certainly be able to do alot with them

    if any pro said to an amateur or enthusiast, here is what I can do with it, if you can`t finish like this its your problem." then that`s just wrong. tonnes of experience as a pro and with the product vs someone who is still travelling the learning curve and is years or decades behind in skill level

    lots of variables and science behind polishing. I respect Thomas immensly, the mans one hell of a pro with the sanding and the refinishing of paint. so I doubt he would of said exactly that
    Car care/detailing sadly isn`t high on the agenda for 98% of australians.

  11. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by RZJZA80
    But for you to tell me I`m not using it correctly is ignorant at best. You don`t know me, know my methods, what I can and can`t do, nothing.

    Oh boy, the ignorant card...lol. I know the results I get with it on various paints. So either I`m ignorant and have magical power when it comes to detailing, or more likely you lack the skills to use the product.

    The reason so many products are sold as professional only, is because of that fact, application is not bubba proof. Certain products.... Meguiars.... are loaded with oils. You can use them incorrectly and still get great results.

  12. #87
    Marc Hufnagel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Dekany
    I guess not.

    So what color/type pad should I be using? It was just the other day you said black was fine with speed?

  13. #88

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    [quote name=`gooshster`]The are products like Duragloss that shine as good if not better than poxy. QUOTE]

    Moving on from this disagreement---I was a Zaino user for many years, but switched to DG a few years ago not because I was unhappy with Z products, but because I was tired of the pricing and shipping costs. DG105 mixed 4 to 1 with 601 (topped with Aquawax) has become my go to LSP. Love the look which I feel is warmer than Z2 and it`s hard to beat the durability and ease of use of DG105. A couple of months ago when I first recieved a bottle of POXY I threw a coat on top of the 105 with a red pad on speed 4 just for the heck of it. I really was very surprised at the improvement in look--still all the gloss of 105, but a much richer, warmer, wetter, carnuba look--really stunning. Even my golf buddies, who are not Autopians by any means, noticed the difference. Give it a try!!

  14. #89

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    I was just kidding. Black is an excellent pad to jewel the paint with SPEED. To cut, you will need a white polishing pad at least. Even with an orange pad the paint will look great.

    Quote Originally Posted by Damn Dirty Ape
    So what color/type pad should I be using? It was just the other day you said black was fine with speed?

  15. #90

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    Quote Originally Posted by Damn Dirty Ape
    So what color/type pad should I be using? It was just the other day you said black was fine with speed?
    I used Speed with a B&S Orange pad on hard VW paint on speed 6--it removed 95% of the light to medium wash marring and finished great. However, I did need to do 6 firm pressure passes and 2 lighter pressure passes so it took some time but was ready for LSP afterwards.


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