Ok, i own a 98 seville with major oxidation due to the idiotic previous owner, and a 1995 crown victoria LX

crown victoria i used zymol wax, came out good

The caddy i used the same, came out better, but the crown vic has some MAJOR swirl marks of some sort. I want to get rid of them, what should i use. The car also has a few scratches that a claybar really wont take out, or more of, i havent tried hard enough. The paint that got on the car i think did not damage my paint. How can i get this out. I heard scratchx works good

Oxidation, how in ****s sake do i get it out. Its horrible.

Let me show you

What should i do

Also, i am using zymol wax, should i keep using that, or switch to a sealant. I heard a sealant can give it that "glass" look, and i like that, but i am not sure and totally lost. The only buffer i have is a random orbit craftsman, and i dont exactly know how to use that.

Also, i want to keep this cheap as possible, and this isnt a big deal, but id prefer to get the stuff in the store.

I am SO sorry, i just want to learn more about everything.