Hi all. New guy who realized who filthy his car is.


This website has ALOT of good information and I`ve been disseminating it for the past few days now. I knew NOTHING about washing cars (I still have very limited knowledge, as you will soon see), but I have got the basic of the basic steps down.

I bought a Porter Cable 7424 recently... but I am at a lost to buy what next.

It would seem that the next logical step would be to buy a backing plate: 3.5" Dual Action Flexible Backing Plate- porter cable 7424 or 7336 hook and loop backing plate 3.5 inch.

^ How does that one sound? I wanted a small one that would be able to handle 4`` pads. (After reading how alot of users preferred 4`` rather than 5``-6`` pads)

So now, I need to buy everything else. And by everything else, I mean EVERYTHING else. All I have are my garden hose... and thats about it. (I don`t even own a freaking 2 gallon bucket)

I will now show you the steps of my stupidity... Bear in mind that I am on a budget, and I might be missing an important step or item, so please let me know:

First step: washing. I have found these items:

Meguilars Complete Car Care Kit

Detailed Image`s Washing and Drying Starter Kit

Which would you recommend? Or do you have anything else in mind? I want to buy a "starter kit" unlike buying items separately in order to minimize both costs, and a mistake of buying something I don`t need or will use.

Next up would be polishing and waxing/sealant. Since I bought a PC and the backing plate, I would obviously need the pads and polishing "substance". Now I understand that different colors mean different "roughness" of the pad. I don`t think I`ll need all the colors of the pad... Maybe sometime in the future, but not now, when I`m starting off. Also it minimizes cost which is a plus.

Judging by the picture of my car and the fact of my nooby-ness, what different pads would you recommend for me? (Keep in mind I have a PC 7424, with the backing plate mentioned above)

For the polish and wax, I have 100 different threads to look through, so I guess I can choose one out. (Unless you guys have some quick recommendations)

If you guys also know of any cheap "starter kits", let me in the know! I took a look at the "Forum Favorite- Klasse", but some of those items look like stuff I will already have in my washing kit. Plus, since I already will have a PC, there would be no use for the wax applicator pads and such.

Hm... I know I`m missing something else thats important, but I cant think of anything else right now.

Thanks for the help guys. This is a crappy conclusion to this post, but I`m dead tired and will add some stuff when it comes to mind.