I`d like to apply for the ?stooopid question of the day? award...
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  1. #1

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    ...by asking `How do I get to the Detailing
    discussion forum?`. This one. Where I am right now. I get to www.autopia-carport.com, and then if I click on ?Autopia Forums? I get a Not Found error.
    I have to first click on some topic like ?First zaino experience? from the home page, THEN I click on the Detailing ? Car Care or Detailing links at the top of the thread. Surely there is a correct and direct way to get here.

    thanks and let me know if I win the award

  2. #2

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    Under Autopia Carport sign....look for Home button hit that...then hit the first Detailing button..and your in



  3. #3

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    Sometimes there are server problems which prevent hook up to the site..Be patient.

    I have the same problem when traveling on the road and I attribute it to the crappy dial ups I am using from Dumpy hotels!!!!!

  4. #4

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    I also make sure to bookmark not only Autopia, but I have a seperate bookmark just for the forum, so when I need to, I can jump straight to the board.


  5. #5

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    >Under Autopia Carport sign....look for Home >button hit that...then hit the first Detailing >button..and your in

    there`s the problem...I don`t get the handy dandy buttons under the Autopia Carport sign. I get an ad for the book. Hmmm.


  6. #6

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    <blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

    <em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by tetz [/i]
    <strong class=`bbc`>>Under Autopia Carport sign....look for Home >button hit that...then hit the first Detailing >button..and your in

    there`s the problem...I don`t get the handy dandy buttons under the Autopia Carport sign. I get an ad for the book. Hmmm.

    JonT [/b]</blockquote>
    I see what you`re doing, but I cannot repeat the problem. When I hit the "Forums" button, it links up right away. You may want to post a message in the Autopia suggestion forum... they`ll help you out right away!

    Good luck! :up

  7. #7
    My PC goes to 7... Dave N's Avatar
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    Are you using a Mac? On my Mac (*4), I cannot get the main page to operate properly when I run Netscape 4.x -- the links are missing, or I get a "not found" error if they are there and I click on the "forums" link. The forum works fine when using Netscape 6.x though.

    Also, if I access the Detailing forum using IE6 (Mac) everything on my computer slows <strong class=`bbc`>waaay[/b] down. Has anyone else had this problem? Any other Mac users out there?

    <strong class=`bbc`><em class=`bbc`>Macintosh[/i][/b]

  8. #8

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    i use macs to access this site all the time. in fact, i only use macs. ie5 on my machine here at work and omniweb in os x on my powerbook at home. never had a problem with accessing the forums. although, omniweb renders the pages slower but they look so much better with anti-aliased text. i love my macintosh.


  9. #9
    My PC goes to 7... Dave N's Avatar
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    Oops, I guess it is IE5 for me on my *4 at home. I don`t think there is a IE6 for Mac yet...

    What kind of machine are you running IE5 on? I have a *4 350MHz w/384Mb RAM running OS9.0. I can`t figure out why this forum slows it down. The slowness only happens once I click into the Detailing forum -- not on any of the previous pages. The computer is still slow, even when using other programs, if I have the Detailing forum open in a background window. As soon as I close the window, the computer resumes normal speed. I`ve checked everything I know of, including jacking the memory partition up for IE5, but it`s still slow.

    PS For some odd reason, this program won`t let me type the letter "*"!!! GGGGGG is the letter I`m trying to type. If it`s in a word such as "going" I`m fine, but if I try to type it by itself: *, I get an asterisk. Oh well, just substitute the letter GGGGG above wherever you see an asterisk. BTW, I`m currently NOT using a Mac.

  10. #10
    My PC goes to 7... Dave N's Avatar
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    I just checked, and I get the same "not found" error when I try to access the Forums using Netscape 4.79 on a PC running WinXP.

    This is at a different location than my Mac at home, so I`m assuming it`s a problem this site has with Netscape. I would think that other people would be having this problem as well...

  11. #11

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    I have some slowdown problems with this site as well, but mine only slows down JUST this site.... the rest of my applications are fine. I`m running IE5 at home and at work.


    300Mhz *3


    T1 line


    7500/100 (now 266 *3, clocked to 280Mhz

    itty bitty RAM

    Cable modem

    Macs rule!

  12. #12

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    <blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

    <em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by Dave N [/i]
    <strong class=`bbc`>Admac,

    Oops, I guess it is IE5 for me on my *4 at home. I don`t think there is a IE6 for Mac yet...[/b]</blockquote>nope, not yet.

    <blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

    <strong class=`bbc`>What kind of machine are you running IE5 on? I have a *4 350MHz w/384Mb RAM running OS9.0. I can`t figure out why this forum slows it down. The slowness only happens once I click into the Detailing forum -- not on any of the previous pages. The computer is still slow, even when using other programs, if I have the Detailing forum open in a background window. As soon as I close the window, the computer resumes normal speed. I`ve checked everything I know of, including jacking the memory partition up for IE5, but it`s still slow.[/b]</blockquote>at work i have a *4/500 with 1 gig of ram running os 9.2. and at home i have a titanium powerbook *4/667 with 512 meg of ram running os x.1.2. i think its slowness is due to internet explorer itself. ie seems to run slow when dealing with vulletin boards in general. i run mozilla on my machine at home as well (the os x version) and it`s a lot faster on there. you might also try to use icab. it`s a very fast browser for both os9 and x. www.icab.de

    the other messageboard i use are also generally a bit slower on ie. dunno why, just something about its rendering engine. although they`re all completely useable.

    aacckkk. i can`t type the letter "*" either. weird.

  13. #13

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    But only from work for some reason. At home with my crummy Compaq, IE5.5 and a cable modem I get fast easy access to everything here. But at work with a T1 line and HP Vectra workstation I get the old DNS error, Cannot Find Server. I`ve tried IE6.0, IE5.5, and IE5.0 at work and nothing doing.

    The weirdest part is that I used to get here just fine with WIN NT4.0 and IE5.0 but when I upgraded to WIN2000 I stopped getting access. Even weirder??? Autopia Carport is the only site on the net I cannot access from work. I can access anything else easily, why not here?

    I sense a conspiracy...... time to start watching the X Files (is it still on TV?)

  14. #14
    My PC goes to 7... Dave N's Avatar
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    A B C D E F * H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    Very odd. Maybe there`s a price to pay for the new smilies...:sosad

    I`ll try the icab. I really hate Netscape 6 (this is basically Mozilla, right?) -- it feezes up and crashes too much (on Mac and PC alike!). I used to use Netscape exclusively, but I like IE better since v5 came out.

  15. #15

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    i agree, i like ie better in almost all cases. netscape 6 was poo. terrible terrible browser. the newer builds on mozilla are quite good, but i`m not a convert really. i just used tried it out because my brother raved about it so much. the mozilla project is always in development because it`s open source. also, i`m using fizilla, which is the os x version of mozilla.

    definitely try icab. i downloaded it here at work again and gave it a shot, rendered the messageboard pages MUCH faster than ie5. it`s a very light and really nice little browser. unfortunately, it`s a bit ugly, but skins are available. give it a shot, i think you`ll be pleased with the speed. it`s also available in a os x version if you want to make the switch.



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