Agh! My Mother! You would never believe this!
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  1. #1
    Spilchy's Avatar
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    My family, friends, neighbors all know I`m a car care nut. They know how much I care about keeping a perfect shine, swirl fee automobile. They all know the lecture I give them if one of my family members needs to drive my car.

    With that said, listen to this!

    I just finished a coat of Vanilla Moose topped with P21s and QD`d with QuickShine. My green VW VR6 looked SWEET! (I LOVE VM)

    As I was wiping down with my Magic Towel (the ONLY real MF ) I hear a loud pounding coming from the back of my car.

    I was like, "What the F is that!?"

    There was my mother, with a pair of rubber sole bottom, terry cloth covered bedroom slippers that had little bits of leaves stuck on them from wearing outside to hang a few clothing garments to air dry.

    Big deal right? But what about that pounding?


    I was like, "Are you SICK?:angry :nono "

    I flipped. I went nuts. Of all the places to bang your shoes! On my trunk!?

    Man oh man! It defied all that is logical.

    You know what she said?! "Big deal. Relax, they are light as a feather." So I took the hose and beaned her!!

    I hit it with another coat of VM and P21s since there were marks. Everything cleaned up, but I was FUMING

    Just thought I`d kill some time at work and share this.

  2. #2

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    So I took the hose and beaned her!!

    Yeah, they never seem to understand... I came out once in the summer to see my 9 year old sister sliding around on my freshly S100`d hood, because, and I quote `It`s smooth, like a sliding board.. weeeeee`... :shocked :nixweiss

    She got thrown in the pool for that one...

  3. #3

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    I hear you dude....i feel your pain. It just makes me so mad as well, when someone just dont ****ing care about my car, or any other things i take pride in keeping clean and in pristine condition.

    Now that you mention it, i got a story of mine....here goes : was at the sister in law`s, and we were shooting the breeze outside......kids were playing around on the front yard, then all of a sudden i notice Kevin(the 3 year old), throwing small rocks at my door panel.........it was an instant flip i tell you ! Now, gues what his daddy said to me upon seeing that i was mad as hell ? He said : *it`s ok, you got clear on it, and clear`s purpose is just that, to protect against rocks* I was like, yeah way to go pal, so now instead of having a brisk walk down the street we`ll from now on have a new pastime : throwing small rocks at cars.......why not after all :angry :scared :shocked

    This is jsut to tell you that there will always be people who could careless about our belongings, whichever they re.

    P.S. this guy im talking about is the same who once pounded his boot against my rocker panels, to remove snow from them..............results ?? a BIG scratch on the side of left rocker panel..........a deep one :angry

  4. #4

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    i feel you lot coz i have friends who put their damn shoes on my dash! fair enough its only dust but you dont see me jump on thier fresh bed sheets when i go into their rooms!

    idiots are all over the place and the only thing you can do is live with it, im upto my neck with idiots so im not sure how much longer i can keep that quote up before i let loose on someone.

    by the way how do u get those animes on your posts?
    The man who constantly strives for perfection, knows that there never is.

  5. #5

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    when you click the *post reply* icon at the bottom of the thread, you`ll see appear a good deal of animes on your left

    take care K_Csaxo

  6. #6

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    Chip, you just reminded me of a story....

    A few years back, I had just finished rebuilding a 1971 Dodge Demon from the ground up with my father.. I got it back from the paint shop, where it was painted the gold/green flake that it was from the factory. Amazing color.

    I took the car, 2-3 days old, over to this girls house, who I was desperatly in love with, and trying to get with..

    She was baby sitting at the time, and her and the kid (8-9 years old) were outside playing. He was throwing rocks at ducks in a pond, and she was reading a book...

    As we were talking, and I was showing her the car, a rock slipped from the kids hand, and hit my drivers side door, dead center...

    Left a small dent, and scratched the paint to the metal... I wanted to cry and throw the kid in the pond. But I stayed cool, smiled, pretended it was ok and i`d live, then cried all the way home..

    I ended up dating her for about a year, and fixed the car with some touch up and a dent puller.. I always saw it though.. always...

  7. #7

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    Here`s what you do. Find something that is very important to your Mom, and smack your shoes against it for a while with her standing there. See how she likes that. Then maybe she will understand why you don`t want her slapping her shoes on your trunk.
    Taking my signature to it`s MAXIMUM POTENTIAL

  8. #8

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    One time my ex-girlfriend and I were sitting in my car talking right after a rainstorm before she went in from our movie. She started screaming which freaked me out so I looked out the front window and standing on my hood is a big black cat looking in at us.

    Well, she thought the cat was cute and gets out of the car to play with it and this cat wants some attention and he starts walking across the wet hood to her leaving paw prints all over it. The cat comes over to where she is standing at the front of the hood and at about the halfway point, starts sliding down the hood since I had just waxed it and it was wet from the rain. The cat tried to stop its headfirst slide by using its claws on the slick paint but the only thing it did was leave three very nice scratches in my black cherry pearl paintjob.

    It was rather hysterical watching the cat fall off the car but I got a good punch in the arm from the ex from laughing about it.
    Mine is the shiny one...

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  10. #10
    Super Moderator Pats300zx's Avatar
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    Here`s what you do. Find something that is very important to your Mom, and smack your shoes against it for a while with her standing there. See how she likes that. Then maybe she will understand why you don`t want her slapping her shoes on your trunk

    How about the good china????
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  11. #11
    Spilchy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Pats300zx

    How about the good china????

    Actually, my father bought her a pair of half carat $2,500 diamond earings set in platinum.

    You think bashing them with a hammer will cause them to shatter?

    Better still, they haven`t been bound to the home owner`s insurance policy yet, so they are sitting in her drawer, readily accessible!

  12. #12
    STUTTGART'S FINEST Deanski's Avatar
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    I think it`s time to increase the Valium dosage!

    Then, everything will be " a rainbow". (Kitty Forman-70`s show)

    I hope no damage was done!

    My 5 year old niece got into my SC430 and found the pen... Quick reflex on my part, I asked her to give Uncle Deanski the pen. Thankfully, she did! I was invisioning black pen all over the Ecru interior!

    She still loves to play with th Nav system though, as she listens to Kid Rock "Cowboy" and that`s OK. So long as I can hose her off and wrap her in plastic wrap before she gets in it!


    Swanky Shine (tm)
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  13. #13
    Spilchy's Avatar
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    So long as I can hose her off and wrap her in plastic wrap before she gets in it!


  14. #14
    STUTTGART'S FINEST Deanski's Avatar
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    Laugh now, but when your 5 year old niece who loves to listen to "Cowboy" or as she calls it "Piggy Snack" ( reference to a cop that pulled over someone) and she`s covered in red pasta sauce, you start to shake.

    Or as I tell her " It gets the clothes changed or it get`s the hose again" (Silence of the Lambs) :p

    Yea, I have a crapload of fingerprints all over the Nav system, and if I want to be a *****, I just make sure the nice birds eye maple cover is down B4 she gets in the car. She also HAS to remove the shoes!

    Once, I thought she was going to blow the speakers as she cranked it. Try to explain THAT to Lexus...

    She once opened the door while in it and if you know a SC430, the doors swing wide and are heavy. As it was swinging open, it was about to hit her mother`s "Van-gina" and I quickly reached over and grabbed it. I had to tell her, let Uncle Deanski go out and open the door for you.

    That one was close!


    Swanky Shine (tm)
    What`s in YOUR garage? 997 Carrera S.

  15. #15

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    it was about to hit her mother`s "Van-gina"====> Don`t know if should say that here, but at first, i thought it was her mother`s *vagina* :lol ..........now i feel better, the urge was too strong, i had to let it out lol.

    p.s. Deanski, you`re so much like me bud, not a lot of people are allowed into my car, unless they go by my rules etc...


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