61% the U.S. now under drougth conditions...
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  1. #1
    Ben@3D's Avatar
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    Drought stretches across America, threatens crops - CNN.com

    I know some people think we keep bashing it into your heard to switch to water less or rinse-less products:deadhorse:, but its not without do cause. 61% of the US is now in a drought. More areas like Indianapolis now have a ban on water use.

    This is not a pitch for using 3D products, this is a pitch for using less water. As a detailer, it can start by using detailing products that require less water, but there are countless ways to save. A quick web search can give hundreds of tips.

    Thanks for listening and I will get off my high horse now.
    3D and HD Professional Detailing Products

  2. #2
    The Old Grey Whistle Test togwt's Avatar
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    Well ststed...Kudos

    Water Conservation / Usage Restrictions

    According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Government Accountability Office and other sources, many homeowners and businesses are going to face potentially huge increase in water and sewer rates for the foreseeable future. Already, some consumers are seeing price hikes of 50 percent to 90 percent or more.

    Due to water usage restrictions in a (very) few more years the waterless wash will be the only legal way to wash vehicles. The environmental protection agency (EPA) is going to continue to put restrictions to conserve our lessening water resources, which will put an end to traditional car washings methods.

    California and Florida are more environmentally aware than most other states; this is due, to consumers in these states having a greater awareness of environmental issues, helped along, in California at least, by regulation

    Based on an estimated 32-billion gallons of fresh water consumed annually in the USA to wash cars (both commercially and at home), that’s approximately enough to supply the drinking water for the US for a year, the conservation of such a valuable resource make perfect sense, we should all do our part in this.

    Our Water Supply, Down the DrainWashington Post, by Robert Glennon, August 23, 2009http://www.piersystem.com/posted/152...ain.315137.pdf
    What gets overlooked too often is that one must be a student before becoming a teacher.

  3. #3

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    I love that here in Indianapolis brick and mortar car washes are exempted from the watering ban. Washing a car in the driveway is a no no due to the fact of no water recovery at a residence. Luckily I have a good stash of rinse less and waterless wash products.
    Paul Sparks

    Distinctive Auto Detailing

    Indianapolis IN 46234


  4. #4

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    I would like to know which waterless products you have used and which top 3-4-5 you prefer.

    I have toyed with w-less washes this year just to see how they work with diff levels of dirt on a car. Suffice to

    say I am still working with them and have no clear cut favorite yet. But they are the future for sure.

  5. #5
    Autopia fire/rescue. DaGonz's Avatar
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    My community has a water restriction, but commercial car washes are exempt.

    I have been able to use my pressure washer and foam cannon due to my detailing venture... I havent done much lately, as I have been busy between the firehouse and my per diem jobs.

    I`ve been using ONR to do my own vehicles... but they do not get that dirty.

  6. #6
    Detailing Gnosis Bunky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaGonz
    My community has a water restriction, but commercial car washes are exempt.

    This is more common since the business lobby has received exemptions. In our area when there is restrictions, they have to meet some water recycling requirements.

    At some level, I think water should be rationed so people can choose how to use (or waste) water but that is completely impractical. I can see families using their dishwashers and washers inefficiently, taking baths instead of showers, not using low flow shower heads/toilets, etc.

    For examples, 2 flushes of a low flow toilet will save enough water to do a rinseless wash.

    The Need to Bead

  7. #7
    jfelbab's Avatar
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    Not to sound like Henny-Penny here but drought has more concerns for us than just a dirty car.

    Did you know that ethanol production uses between 3 and 5 gallons of water per every gallon of ethanol? This water is typically coming from lakes, rivers and groundwater aquifers. This summers drought has caused a drop in water levels from all three sources. The aquifers around here dropped around 25%. Wells are running dry, and nearly all our local communities are restricting the use of water. Except the local car washes and gold courses.

    With much of the corn crop across the US in ruins this summer, where do you suppose we will get our federally mandated ethanol from? Bet we import it from some country that doesn`t like us much. Maybe we could just have gas rationing again.

    This from the University of Illinois:
    Water is an important resource. It is a consideration and part of the permitting process when ethanol plants are built. A typical ethanol plant capable of producing 40 million gallons of ethanol per year, could use up to 330,000 gallons of water per day or120 million gallons of water per year. This is equivalent to water used by a town of 5,000 people or a standard-sized golf course. The average home uses 107,000 gallons of water per year. An average person uses 50 gallons of water each day.
    Soure: Water Use for Ethanol Production - Ethanol - University of Illinois Extension

    Another large water consumer comes from our power plants. Water is used mainly for cooling and steam production to run the turbines.
    Large fossil fuel and nuclear plants require incredible quantities of water for cooling and ongoing maintenance. The Salem Nuclear Generating Station alone takes 3 billion gallons a day from the Delaware Bay. Studies of the environmental consequences of this phenomenal water demand indicates that Salem is responsible for an annual 11 percent reduction in weakfish and 31 percent reduction in bay anchovy. At the Indian Point 2 and 3 reactors on the Hudson River, the number of fish impinged totaled over 1.5 million fish in 1987. The 90 power plants using once-through-cooling on the Great Lakes kill in excess of 40 million fish per year due to impingement (Pace University, Environmental Costs of Electricity, p. 287).

    As we run our lakes, rivers and aquifers dry, be prepared for shortages of fuel, power and food. Water likely will soon become a major problem for many of us. For example, cities like Las Vegas draw their water from Lake Mead. Lake Mead is predicted to run dry by 2021.

    Source: For Want of Water - Topics - Las Vegas Sun

    This is not a local problem.

    US Drought Monitor

    State of the Climate | Drought | May 2012

    Conserve water where you can. Am I concerned? You bet, and I hope you are as well.



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