Reasonable price for David Fermani to Opti Coat a NEW car? - Page 6
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  1. #76
    Keeper of the beautiful Jean-Claude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggiepee
    I never said 3D made coatings. I am aware that Opti coat is made by Optimum. My point is to show how everyone is so gullible to fall for all the marketing hype of every new product, as long as it is endorsed by a well know detailer. Every week someone is discovering the next great product. Second i would never walk into a mercedes dealership because themselves cars are garbage, I would walk into the lexus dealership first. I never seen so many people cry about a man asking about a price. This is a detailing forum, none of the responses are going to hurt my feelings, I find it humorous how sensitive alot of you are.
    Big Pete, he didn`t just ask a question. He asked, got a resounding unified answer and continued to try to devalue the service. Why ask if you`re just going to insist that everyone is wrong. Freaking take it or leave it. THAT is why everyone is so agitated. We deal with this kind crap crap too often. Freaking take it or leave it. But don`t ask and continue to, more or less, complain.
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  2. #77

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    Quote Originally Posted by tdekany
    Hey, how does it feel to be so perfect and wise? Can you please tell me what I should spend my money on? I don`t mean detailing supplies, just in general. I appreciate your help. Thanks

    PS: Can you also tell us how your experience was with OPTI COAT? Did you also wash your car with dawn weekly like David? How soon did Opti Coat fail for you? I knew I shouldn`t have trusted DF`s udates!!!!!!!!! So as far as LSP, what is the real deal we should all use? Thanks again!!!!

    It feels great, thanks. Yes I can help you spend your money, tell me what you are interested in buying and I will give you my opinion on some good choices. I am not bashing Opticoat, nor any detailer on any forum, I have never used it, to me many products are not worth the price. I am not going to buy every new product someone says is great. I am fine with putting on a fresh coat of duragloss every few months.

    How many 3D products have you recommended in the past few years?

  3. #78

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    Never used opticoat, and Im sure its a great product. But my point was any new product that comes out only needs two people saying its the next great thing and it becomes the next great thing no matter how the product performs. First it was menzerna then 105/205 then Uno, then the new meguairs d300. Or P21 wheel gel then Sonax then Ironx, Its funny how easy it is to make a product the next best thing.

  4. #79

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    Mostly uno but also these: Sorry if I missed some.

    PS: Have you seen me get exited about any product prior to me trying UNO?


    pink car soap

    window cleaner

    tire shine gel

    nitro seal

    I really am impressed with 3D. I guess it pays off to be a "small" company and be able to formulate products that are different from the big ones. No Hype. You should see how well UNO is performing on a SS baby blue 1974 vw bug I am working on. Uno with wool, MF pad and finishing foam. One product does it all. Getting rid of all RIDS in the process. No dust. The finish is glossy, and wet looking.

    Do you think I should switch from UNO? To what? Thanks.

  5. #80

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    Isn`t IMPROVING a product the idea? Unfortunately, the examples you gave are not proving your point. All the ones you have mentioned are a huge jump from what was available prior, or in the case of d300/MF pads - completely new and a true game changer.

    Quote Originally Posted by biggiepee
    Never used opticoat, and Im sure its a great product. But my point was any new product that comes out only needs two people saying its the next great thing and it becomes the next great thing no matter how the product performs. First it was menzerna then 105/205 then Uno, then the new meguairs d300. Or P21 wheel gel then Sonax then Ironx, Its funny how easy it is to make a product the next best thing.

  6. #81

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    Let me rephrase that, How many 3d products have you got excited about prior to 3D acquiring autopia? Are you not endorsing 3D products due to a business relationship you have with them? Do you receive your products at a discount? Exactly my point. all it takes is one Pro to endorse a product and create the hype. You should use whatever products you feel give you the best result. It makes no difference to me. Everyones product preference changes depending on their business relationships.

  7. #82
    mikenap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggiepee
    Everyones product preference changes depending on their business relationships.

    Umm, no.

    I`ve got plenty of preferences, as I`m sure you do too. I like them because, well, I like them. Did Duragloss pay YOU to drop their name earlier? Doubt it. Yet you did anyway, because YOU LIKE IT. How hard is that to see? Three+ years lurking and the best you can come up with are conspiracy theories....

  8. #83

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    The pms I received from DavidB in late 2009 made it sounds like he came up with the formula. Never heard of 3D at that time, or that he was selling Autopia.

    I simply followed Davidb`s advice on how to use UNO and I couldn`t believe the results I was seeing after the first pass. I have never used another product like that before. I was sold. And that was using a PC.

    Kept using UNO and when I learned about Poxy, I ordered it. Loved it. Still do. Looks better than anything I have ever tried. Use it all the time. Paid full price. I think last year I would get 20% off from 1 sales person, so I tried asking for that person when placing an order.

    Yes I was invited to the 10th anniversary seminar, but not because of 3D - someone else that was going also suggested that 3D invites me as well. That is the kind of BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP I have with 3D. (After meeting the owner of 3D, he did say to give him the order if I need to get more stuff, so I received my last order that was discounted very well )

    I recommend their products because everything I try is first rate. I have used 3 products that are (to me) not better than what I use normally, but as good. So placing 1 order instead of 3 saves me money. So I use 3D`s version.

    I think the only person who has a business relationship with 3D is David Fermani, but we all know that by now.

    Quote Originally Posted by biggiepee
    Let me rephrase that, How many 3d products have you got excited about prior to 3D acquiring autopia? Are you not endorsing 3D products due to a business relationship you have with them? Do you receive your products at a discount? Exactly my point. all it takes is one Pro to endorse a product and create the hype. You should use whatever products you feel give you the best result. It makes no difference to me. Everyones product preference changes depending on their business relationships.

  9. #84
    autoconcierge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggiepee
    Never used opticoat, and Im sure its a great product. But my point was any new product that comes out only needs two people saying its the next great thing and it becomes the next great thing no matter how the product performs. First it was menzerna then 105/205 then Uno, then the new meguairs d300. Or P21 wheel gel then Sonax then Ironx, Its funny how easy it is to make a product the next best thing.

    You may have signed up in 08.......but you sound EXACTLY like the OP of this thread.

    I had it out with a guy on DB over the "Microfiber system" where he chronicled that the "System" was all hype and that he utilized a "Microfiber bonnet" over a foam pad so it was "The same thing" and said as much about this everywhere including MOL ................but here is the kicker he never used the "System" because it was not AVAILABLE yet.

    He also said "You are a detailer paid to hype the product"..............well this is why I confirm said claims for MYself before making statements that can be thought of as shall we say "Not very smart".

    Let`s go over the products you listed and I will comment below in bullitt points.

    .Menzerna: The entire line is outstanding except Power gloss

    .Megs: M105 is the standard in defect removal M205 works well on certain finishes and is a SMAT polish so finishing down 100% with a rotary is really difficult but DA is more user friendly D300 is a godsend which works on everything endstop with or without the microfiber pads

    .HD UNO: Tried the first generation and did not care for it however the latest gen version gets higher marks but I have NOT used it yet

    .P21S: Great product and the standard for non-acid wheel cleaning until Sonax and Auto Glym CWC came along......both work great and Sonax is almost "Acid like" in performance and it is pricey but for me it is worth it as I work on very pricey wheel and brake combo`s

    .Sonax FE: The best at THIS TIME in my opinion

    This is a clear example of "Red assness" on the "Web" where you can talk about something you have no clue about and defend a "Undefendable debate"............................much like a liberal when faced with facts they scream you down and change the subject and debate. Dave I am so impressed with the documentation of this recent ownage.........it was like a write up on a car.

    Charlie as usual you miss nothing pointing out the "Whining about renting in Trump Tower in monied up Miami" this is what I was intimating about in my post earlier in the thread but did not want to say it as Dave needed to give authorization first.............. when is this stuff going to stop....never imo so each troll that goes in for the easy "Lay -up" will get thier shot swatted into the cheap seats "With the quickness" by Shaquille O` Ownage.

  10. #85
    Dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggiepee

    All this coating stuff is just hype and marketing, and since most people just want to be on a bandwagon all it takes is one well know detailer ( whos is being paid by the company) to say this is such a great product and everyone wants to try it.

    Never used opticoat, and Im sure its a great product.

  11. #86

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan


    And biggie and the OP, please go. As detailers we are unaffected whether you use our services or not, the only person effected is you when you come back crying that the $400 detail you paid for fogged up your rims beyond repair and burned through the paint. For every 1 of you, there are 10 customers who appreciate the work and are more than willing to pay, so trying to haggle the price down isn`t going to work. We do not promote products, we simply state what works best. Menzerna, M105/205 and Opti-coat are all amazing products and stand out in their class.

    And seriously, OP, you`re bragging about Trump towers. Why was it even necessary to state that? I ONLY make 150,000 cry cry cry, you sound like a spoiled little kid pouting in the corner when he doesn`t get what he wants.

  12. #87

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    Im sure its a great product, but i believe most products are more hype than antyhing. For me not worth the price. Once a company sees how easily you believe anything you hear or see, every other company creates a similar product cause they know you will buy it also. Im sure your garage is loaded with every product of the week. How many coating are on the market after such a short period. How many fools spend hundreds of dollars on wax`s that dont last but a week or 2, only so they can say I HAVE IT TOO. Sorry im just not as gullible as most.

  13. #88
    mikenap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggiepee
    Im sure its a great product, but i believe most products are more hype than antyhing. For me not worth the price. Once a company sees how easily you believe anything you hear or see, every other company creates a similar product cause they know you will buy it also. Im sure your garage is loaded with every product of the week. How many coating are on the market after such a short period. How many fools spend hundreds of dollars on wax`s that dont last but a week or 2, only so they can say I HAVE IT TOO. Sorry im just not as gullible as most.

    Cool. Turtle Wax has a customer for life.

  14. #89
    Dan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggiepee
    Im sure its a great product, but i believe most products are more hype than antyhing. For me not worth the price. Once a company sees how easily you believe anything you hear or see, every other company creates a similar product cause they know you will buy it also. Im sure your garage is loaded with every product of the week. How many coating are on the market after such a short period. How many fools spend hundreds of dollars on wax`s that dont last but a week or 2, only so they can say I HAVE IT TOO. Sorry im just not as gullible as most.

    This thread is about Opticoat. Its approx $10-15 per car in product. How is that hype? Dozens of posts on forums all over the internet show this stuff lasts. What exactly does hundred dollar wax have to do with this? Also do you eat at McDonalds all the time too? I mean, its a good deal.....

  15. #90
    autoconcierge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biggiepee
    Im sure its a great product, but i believe most products are more hype than antyhing. For me not worth the price. Once a company sees how easily you believe anything you hear or see, every other company creates a similar product cause they know you will buy it also. Im sure your garage is loaded with every product of the week. How many coating are on the market after such a short period. How many fools spend hundreds of dollars on wax`s that dont last but a week or 2, only so they can say I HAVE IT TOO. Sorry im just not as gullible as most.

    How does this connect to the price point `Dis-connect of the OP`s whining, because Dave wanted to charge more to "Apply Opti-coat" to Full polish HRE 5 series wheels(I know a little about the wheels as I was a HRE dealer @ Performance Art a defunct tuning shop I was the GM of) as these wheels will look like a** if not polished at least monthly.

    I want to know why a guy would have a car repainted that was new.....................does not make sense at all...........why not buy a Black car?? unless of course the "Orange peel" of the finish was too much to deal with..........then buy a Bentley GT coupe with no orange peel at all................but all the money is gone from "Renting in Trump Tower".

    Whenever I see someone come on the side of someone who is so far of thier lane you have to ask "What is the motive" or if it is a friend of the OP, these threads get so much views and replies that even though it is negative in nature it is bringing "Content" to the site and unique views (lol). Here is my "Suggestion to" Biggiepee and that is do not buy anything mentioned by any prominent detailer because in the face of overwhelming mass purchases and satisified detailers it must be "All hype"


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