Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster - Page 2
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  1. #16
    Marc08EX's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    Happy birthday Ron!! Hope you have a great one!
    2011 SEMA Meguiar`s Car Crazy Showcase Team
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  2. #17
    Ummm.... Ya..... TroyScherer's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    Happy Birthday Ron!!!

  3. #18
    trashmanssd's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    try and do something great friday night and stay save Sunday.

  4. #19
    ellens2's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHead_1 View Post
    He may not want me to type this but he didn`t specifically tell me not to say anything. He`s in the hospital for some tests as I type this. He can`t go anywhere right now. That`s a lot of stress with the storm bearing down. Not a great way to spend a Birthday or any day for that matter. As I mentioned in the original post, prayers would be a good thing.

    Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster-resized952017090695121340.jpg
    Oh no, get better soon. Will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers!

  5. #20

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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    happy birthday Ron get well soon prayers sent

  6. #21

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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    Happy Birthday!!

    Prayers are with you and your family.

  7. #22
    BudgetPlan1's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    No "What`s for lunch pics"?

    All the best.

    Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
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  8. #23
    Civicclutch's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    Happy birthday Ron and hope test come out positive and with an answer to why your under the weather and not the hurricane weather

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

  10. #25
    trashmanssd's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    Ron didn`t get curious and test out a taser after reading that story he shared did he? A man his age shouldn`t even pop bobble wrap for fear of "the big one". Hope your alright Big guy, poor Jen now has to take care of Ron and his dad now.
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  11. #26

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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    You`re in my thoughts, Ron.

  12. #27
    tropicsteve's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    what the heck kind of bd present is that? hang in there ron, we`ll be praying for you!

    P.S. spoke with ron and he did escape from the hospital to be with his family during the hurricane, but says he`ll be returning there sunday evening. personally, i think the nurses either asked for him to be moved to the section 8 floor or he saw someone coming his way with a syringe in hand.
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  13. #28
    Wax Waster Ronkh's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    Quote Originally Posted by tropicsteve View Post
    P.S. spoke with ron and he did escape from the hospital to be with his family during the hurricane, but says he`ll be returning there sunday evening. personally, i think the nurses either asked for him to be moved to the section 8 floor or he saw someone coming his way with a syringe in hand.
    After hearing what Jen told me (I was snowed pretty good so had no idea) They probably threw a party after I left.......
    Formerly the "Best Detailer", now just Super Wax Waster Man. Not necessarily tactful, but normally right. It`s good to be da King !!!
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  14. #29
    Wax Waster Ronkh's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    So anyway.............

    I`ve known for a while I`ve had something going on. Hoped it would take care of itself... It didn`t. (more of a reason it took me so long to wash the truck & vette).

    So I ck`d into the ed at about 10am yesterday after being talked into it by an ed doc that I befriended. They did a special type of mri thinking it was probably a blocked superior venacava, and figured it would be stented and back home tomorrow.

    Well no such luck Here is where it gets fuzzy.......... I have a mass or 2, one on my wind pipe, one on my superior vena cava, or possibly one pushing on the other etc etc etc..........

    So from about 4 yesterday afternoon they told me that I was going to be sent "any minute" for a biopsy to get more answers. At 9pm, they sent me to a room for the night...... Telling me anytime I`d go for it. Stephen brought me dinner for after it. At 3 am, I woke and dinner was sitting next to me, almost started eating it, but didn`t. A few min later lady Dracula showed up and took some blood and told me I was not allowed to eat.

    By noon, they said I`d be going for biopsy any min. Shortly after that, they said, we gonna send you fro a brain scan, and worry about the biopsy later since you`re here for the weekend............. And that that they would have all the tests ready so they can read em next week.....

    So I walked out ama. ED doc called me. Told here I`d see her Sunday night and check in.
    Formerly the "Best Detailer", now just Super Wax Waster Man. Not necessarily tactful, but normally right. It`s good to be da King !!!

  15. #30

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    Re: Happy Birthday to the Original Wax Waster

    I hope everything turns out to be OK. Stay safe from the storm and I hope you don`t sustain any damage. Prayers to you and your family!!!


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