Forum suggestion...
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  1. #1

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    Hey guys, I got a new water conditioning system last week some may be interested in. The system is a few magnets that sit on the water pipe coming into the house from the water meter and a few more on the pipe coming into the house from the hot water heater. I know it sound strange but it works. The part that will interest Autopians is that it softens my water coming out of the hose, so no hard water spots after washing. The first two magnets are installed by digging a hole a few feet after the water meter and attaching the magnets to the main pipe coming into the house so all water on the entire house is softened. Then there are two more put on after the water heater ( I was told that the water heater will cause the water to harden due to the heat and presure). The magnets are a 5"x5" square that mount to the pipe. There is no moving parts and no maintenance. It is also supposed to be good for plants and yards. It is also supposed to remove the lime scale (whate crusty junk) from the inside of pipes and on shower heads, etc. I installed it last night and could really tell a difference in the water.

  2. #2

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    The magnets remove the metal particals from the water

    What happens to them then?

  3. #3
    Jedi Master
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    Forum suggestion...

    Jack, oh wise one...

    At MeguiarsOnline, they use the centermost portion of the page to make announcements, point out helpful information, or highlight specific threads. A member can still view the latest posts, but they are located in the left column.

    Is this something you`d consider doing on TID? I don`t see how this change would hinder any person from seeing the latest posts, and in fact, might help them to find "hot threads", "specials", or "how-to" information more rapidly.

    Todd`s latest Ferrari thread made me think of this. Why it is not highlighted at the moment is befuddling. It seems to be a great way to use the space.

    What are your thoughts? :judge:
    Kevin Brown
    NXTti Instructor, Meguiar`s/Ford SEMA Team, Meguiar`s Distributor/Retailer

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Yes, a portal page would be awesome!

  5. #5
    El Presidente
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    Thanks for the input. I?ve looked at MOL`s home page and find it a bit busy. The forum posts look to me, like they take a secondary role on the page. I am not sure I like that idea. But... your point is well taken and I will look at changing the bottom section of our home page (where it list the various threads and new post) and see if we can`t accommodate more of what you are talking about as well as locating it in a better place on the page. Making for easier access to promotions, "How to" articles, the new "hot" thread etc... I have seen some things that slip into oblivion and they really should be seen for a longer time period.



  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post

    Thanks for the input. I?ve looked at MOL`s home page and find it a bit busy. The forum posts look to me, like they take a secondary role on the page. I am not sure I like that idea. But... your point is well taken and I will look at changing the bottom section of our home page (where it list the various threads and new post) and see if we can`t accommodate more of what you are talking about as well as locating it in a better place on the page. Making for easier access to promotions, "How to" articles, the new "hot" thread etc... I have seen some things that slip into oblivion and they really should be seen for a longer time period.



    +1 on that.
    Rasky`s Auto Detailing

    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Concierge View Post
    That finish is "brill" (british slang for tightness) as in "BRILLIANT" great clarity and gloss!!.

  7. #7
    Jedi Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post

    ... I?ve looked at MOL`s home page and find it a bit busy. The forum posts look to me, like they take a secondary role on the page...
    Yes, agreed. But your web guru can make things look fine. They can use tables to neaten things up quite a bit! While these aren`t up to the caliber of what your guys could do, something like this could be done:

    Doesn`t have to be squares, just as long as it looks neat.
    Kevin Brown
    NXTti Instructor, Meguiar`s/Ford SEMA Team, Meguiar`s Distributor/Retailer

  8. #8

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    I agree. Many important and helpful threats get "hidden" or "lost". Maintenance of these pieces of knowledge and their proper management is in benefit of all forum users and visitors. I`ve seen how in such a small of time TID was growth more and more into a professional level of the business. And this is something to be recognize. I feel very happy that many talented professional display their awesome work here at TID. Great cars with even greater details.

    Also I want to point out the contribution of Maestro Todd Helme.
    The man takes his time, delivers the most comprehensive
    how to`s, how what!? and what the heck!!!
    Many info should be manage in a way that top contributors and testers could have their very own place in display.

  9. #9
    imported_Flash Gordon's Avatar
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    Thats neat Kevin. I don`t 100% understand exactly what your trying to say (whats new ut: ) but, I think I get the jist of it. I especially like the ape thing you have for the chat room. That sure is an attention getter and so are the other ideas you produced here :wizard:

    You are one wacky dude Mr. Kevin Brown. I find it simply fascinating to get caught up in your wacky world :soldier:

    Thanks for the time and effort you put into this Da Rules!


    Flash :-B

  10. #10

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    I like the ideas Kevin has presented. Reminds me of a magazine cover to let you know whats inside instead of just a list of post. :-? Worth looking into.:smile:

  11. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flash Gordon View Post
    You are one wacky dude Mr. Kevin Brown. I find it simply fascinating to get caught up in your wacky world :soldier:
    So, you`re saying there`s a "method" to his madness? :


  12. #12
    imported_Flash Gordon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TLMitchell View Post
    So, you`re saying there`s a "method" to his madness? :

    Why yes, actually there is. It probally isn`t meant for everyone. Most ppl are satisfied with just your standard operating procedures and what that can achieve. Even then, they are 95% ahead of the general population :soldier:

    However, there are still that 5% left eagerly seeking perfection with any means nesscecary. I can only explain it in terms that I know. I am a hugh Horsepower junkie. Always have been. Applying Kevins methods is like adding that extra 50hp`s to an engine. Kinda like a shot of nitrous, you might say :driving:

    Hope this all made sense



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