Florida Atlantic University Ice Hockey Needs Your Help
This past weekend the FAU Ice Hockey team played in the American Collegiate Hockey Association D3 Regional Finals in South Carolina. During the first game we were down 4-0 to the University of South Florida Bulls (ranked 6th in the South) and came back to win the game, scoring 10 unanswered goals with a final score of 10-4. The second game was a hard fought battle right until the end tied as 3-3 until we scored the game winning goal with 1 minute 40 seconds left in the third period to win the game 4-3 against the Arkansas Razor Backs (ranked 5th in the South). These two wins have qualified our team to move on to the National Championship in Detroit, Michigan where we will be fighting to become National Champions for the first time in 5 years!
Click here to read the full story:

FAU Ice Hockey is considered a club sport at our school which means we are completely funded by our players. Regional Finals was costly but Nationals is almost impossible for some of our players. This is why we need YOUR help. Nationals are a mere 2 WEEKS away which gives us little time to gather the money needed to attend. Anything will help. If you would like to donate to our team please follow the instructions listed below. If you can not donate we still thank you for your time and your support!
If anyone would like to sponsor our team please contact [email protected] we have all the forms you need so your donation can and will be tax deductible.
If you would like to make a donation to our team you can do so by using PayPal (www.paypal.com) and sending the money to [email protected]
If you do not wish to use PayPal you can write a check payable to FAU Hockey. And mail it to the following address
Shawn Sullivan
4806 NW 21st Street
Coconut Creek, FL, 33063

Thank you for your time and your support!
Shawn Sullivan
#28 Defenseman