From the course: Accounting Foundations: Budgeting

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Do we have enough motherboards?

Do we have enough motherboards?

- In 1950 resistance to the idea of electronic computers was high inside IBM. - IBM's engineers were specialists in electromechanical devices and were uncomfortable working with vacuum tubes, diodes, and magnetic recording tapes. - In addition, there were many questions about the customer demand for electronic computers. - One IBM executive forecast that the size of the total worldwide market for computers was no more than five. - Five. Now think about that for a moment. Five computers for the entire world. Look around where you're sitting right now with your phone, your computer, and various other personal devices. There may be five electronic computers in the room where you are right now. - Well, following significant internal debate and in spite of this pessimistic sales forecast of five computers, IBM pressed forward with the production of its first electronic computer, the 701. - [Earl] Meanwhile a new type of device had appeared in a computing machine market, the electronic…
