From the course: Advanced SQL for Application Development
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Installing SQLAlchemy
From the course: Advanced SQL for Application Development
Installing SQLAlchemy
- [Instructor] Let's install SQLAlchemy. Now I've opened a terminal window on my Mac, so I have a command line available to me. So we are going to use PIP, which is a Python package installer, and I'm going to say PIP install and then give it the name of the package I want to install, or library is simply called SQLAlchemy. So I will say, PIP install SQLAlchemy and hit Return. And there'll be some information about which version is being downloaded. And it says here that we have successfully installed SQLAlchemy version 2.0.27. So let's just verify that. So I'm going to type Python. Python or Python 3 depending on how it's installed locally on your device. So we have Python, and I will just say import SQLAlchemy, which again is just the name of the package. And it's the same name we use when we did PIP install. And I'll import SQLAlchemy. And this should come up with no errors, which it does. And just to verify we're working with the correct version, I'm just going to type…
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Overview of object-relational mapping1m 23s
Introduction to SQLAlchemy3m 5s
Installing SQLAlchemy1m 20s
Query with SQLAlchemy9m 47s
Limitations of ORM and cautionary advice2m 10s
Challenge: Create an ORM model37s
Solution: Create an ORM model54s