From the course: Advanced SQL for Application Development

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Using environment variables for connection parameters

Using environment variables for connection parameters

From the course: Advanced SQL for Application Development

Using environment variables for connection parameters

- [Instructor] Now that we have a database created and some database loaded, let's spend some time actually working with the data from a programming environment. Now we could use an IDE like Pycharm or visual studio, but I'm choosing to use Jupyter notebooks. Jupyter notebooks is an interactive programming environment and the reason I'm using it is because it is very easy to see programs developed iteratively and incrementally. And so we're going to be working in Python although again, just as what I say applies to different relational databases, not just Postgres, the things that I'm pointing out and showing in Python apply to other languages as well. So first thing I'm going to do is show how to work with environment variables, to store connection information. And so I'm going to work with Python 3. And again, because this is an advanced SQL course, I assume you will be able to install Jupyter without a problem on your own.…
