From the course: After Effects 2020 Essential Training: The Basics
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Importing a Premiere Pro sequence - After Effects Tutorial
From the course: After Effects 2020 Essential Training: The Basics
Importing a Premiere Pro sequence
- We focused on showing what different parts of After Effects Duik and why each one is designed that way. Now, let's learn by doing and create a 15 second commercial spot with video, as well as motion graphics. Be sure to save the premiere project file marked .prproj at the end after you open it. That way, you'll be able to import it into After Effects without any missing files. Up to this point in the course, we've been focused on showing what different parts of After Effects Duik and why they're designed that way. Now, we'll learn by doing and create something, a 15 second commercial spot with video and motion graphics. The first step is to bring in the elements in edit that was already created in Premier Pro. Here is a brief look at Premier Pro. And if you've never seen this application open before, don't worry about it. There are three layers and one audio layer here. And the purple layers are my video, and then…
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