From the course: Angular: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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Install MySQL and MySQL Workbench

Install MySQL and MySQL Workbench

- [Instructor] The first thing to do here is if you don't already have MySQL installed on your computer, which is likely the case, we're going to download and install that. And in this video, we're going to see how to do that, as well as download and install another tool that we're going to be using called MySQL Workbench. So the first thing you're going to want to do is go to and download the latest version of MySQL. And you're going to want to make sure your operating system is selected from this dropdown here. So I'm going to click Download on this DMG archive here, and I'm going to click No thanks, just start my download, 'cause I don't want to create another account now. And once that downloads, let's click on that. And that'll bring up this thing here, let's click on that. And we're going to click Continue and we're just going to go through each of the steps here. Just click Continue…
