From the course: Angular: Creating and Hosting a Full-Stack Site

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Moving MySQL to the cloud

Moving MySQL to the cloud

- [Instructor] So now that we've got our Google cloud setup, the next thing we're going to do is move our My SQL database to the cloud. And to do that, we're basically just going to create a new My SQL database on the cloud and walk through the same kind of setup that we did earlier in the course when we created our local database. So let's open up the Google cloud console and the first thing we need to do is make sure that we're on our buy and sell project by clicking on the dropdown menu up here. And once we're there, we're going to open up the menu on the left and scroll down to where it says SQL. And we're going to click on that. And then will just ask us for a billing account and we'll select my billing account and click set account. And then we're going to click create instance, and we're going to select MySQL here. And then we're going to need to fill out a few pieces of data about our new database. For the…
