From the course: Angular: Progressive Web Apps
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Validating with DevTools - Angular Tutorial
From the course: Angular: Progressive Web Apps
Validating with DevTools
- [Instructor] So our PWA is ready. But how can we validate that it's a PWA that is working? And how can we get some insights if I need to improve something from the service worker, from the user interface, or from the web app manifest? If you're using a Chromium browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, we do have the Application tab that we have already seen. The Application tab will contain a lot of tools to actually debug and test your PWA. And starting from the Manifest section, where we can actually see the current information for identity coming from the manifest, such as the name of my app, the ID, and then we have the presentation details such as the start URL, colors, and more information, such as the icons. I can even see how those icons would look like as a maskable icon. And we know that this one doesn't look good, but we do have the other one that looks okay. And also, Windows controls overlay and…
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What is a service worker?8m 28s
Serving the app while offline11m 14s
Update UI on network status change6m 55s
Customizing ngsw-manifest10m 12s
Supporting app updates11m 3s
Adding web push notifications10m 10s
Validating with DevTools4m 5s