From the course: Animating an AI Image

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Animate characters using AI

Animate characters using AI

From the course: Animating an AI Image

Animate characters using AI

- [Presenter] As you probably know, AI tools are advancing at an exponential rate, and many now offer animation or motion capabilities. Let's take a break from our after effects project to explore one method of automatically animating characters, or virtually anything using AI. For this demonstration, we'll use Leonardo's AI's image to motion feature. To streamline the process, I've already prepared three images for each one of our characters, all with a green background. This should make it easy to download and integrate the results into our project, if they are satisfactory. You can find these images in the exercise folder within the image to motion sub folder. I'll navigate now to Leonardo AI and click on the motion button. The location of this feature may vary, so you may need to hunt for it. Once located, I'll click on select an image and upload the first image of DrJekyllGreen.png. In this case, there is a single slider that ranges from one to 10, to define the motion strength…
