From the course: Animating an AI Image

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Importing and setting the comp

Importing and setting the comp

From the course: Animating an AI Image

Importing and setting the comp

- [Instructor] As the name of this course suggests, we'll use After Effects to animate the AI generated imagery created with Leonardo.AI and Photoshop. We'll start by importing the multi-layered Photoshop file and creating a composition from it. So I'll go to File, Import and choose File. I'll navigate to the exercise files, and from here I'll select Jekyll & Hyde.psd. I'll click Open, or Import if you're working on Windows, and in this dialogue, I'll make sure the import kind is set to Composition, Retain Layer Sizes, and it's a good idea to leave this radio button on this option editable layer styles. This way, we can change any layer styles that we set up inside Photoshop. And we have one for the title. So now I'll click OK, and this is going to create a comp, which is going to use the file dimensions from Photoshop. Now, I want to reformat it here inside After Effects, change its direction, and verify few of the technical settings. So let's double-click to open it and then go to…
