From the course: Animating in Photoshop
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Arcs and breakdowns - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Animating in Photoshop
Arcs and breakdowns
- [Instructor] Breakdowns are the biggest or the most important drawings between the keys and let's remind ourselves of our thumbnails. So in this case, I'm going to keep it very simple. Number 7, between 1 and 9 and number 11, which we see with the stroke here, those are the breakdowns. And you can make the breakdowns a very simple in-between between those drawings, and I think that's probably what we should do for this to keep things fairly straightforward. So let's do that. And remember again, our time here, number 7 and number 11. Let's add them. So here, I will add number 7 and here, I will add number 11. And I'm going to make both of these red so that we can see them as breakdowns. It'll help us to differentiate the keys from the breakdowns and the in-betweens. So we want to switch off the exposures and then give them their own exposure, here. So between 1, this is the key frame number 1, here. And the next…
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