From the course: Animating in Photoshop
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Gestures and roughs - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Animating in Photoshop
Gestures and roughs
- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how we draw a character in Photoshop, because, obviously, there are many different ways we could do it. I have found that there is a particular way of layering a character that is really, really powerful. Before we do that, we just open up a new image. So go File, New. And this will be pretty small, 1920 by 1080. You can work in a higher res if you like, I'm choosing this because that's a little faster if you're working on a slower computer. So let me just zoom in a bit, hit Z on the keyboard and Scrubby Zoom in. If you don't do it like that, then you'll have to do it like this. I like Scrubby Zoom, and we can switch off Resize Windows To Fit now because otherwise this window gets big and small as we zoom in and out. Let's go down here and you see this little folder, click on that to make a new folder, and this little plus icon beside it to make a new layer. So let's rename group…
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