From the course: Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Thinking Machines

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Strong vs. weak AI

Strong vs. weak AI

- The philosopher John Searle pointed out that you can think of artificial intelligence in two different ways. There's strong AI, and weak AI. Strong AI is when you have a machine that displays all the behavior that you'd expect from a full fledged artificial person. This is usually what you see in science fiction movies. These are artificial beings that have emotions, a sense of purpose and can even tell jokes. Some computer scientists also refer to strong AI as general artificial intelligence. General AI is a broad intelligence that doesn't just apply to one narrow task. Think of it this way, a strong AI machine might learn a new language just for the joy of learning a new language. On the flip side, there's weak AI, often called narrow AI. This is AI that is confined to a very narrow task. It might be like trying to process your natural language into text. Maybe it's trying to sort all the pictures on your computer. A weak AI program is not trying to chat with you about the world…
