From the course: AutoCAD Civil 3D: Site Design
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Adding a profile - AutoCAD Civil 3D Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD Civil 3D: Site Design
Adding a profile
- [Instructor] Another thing we'll want to do with our storm system, is show it in Profile View. Let's take a look at how that's done. What I'd like to do is profile the storm system from the downstream end, to the upstream end. And to get started I'll simply click the outfall, and then I'll click the alignment from Network command, right here on the contextual ribbon, and then pan to the opposite end, and click the manhole. And you'll notice that it selects everything in between, all of the pipes and structures in between. So if you know that little trick, you can make this really easy, as compared to having to go in and select each individual pipe or structure. Or to draw a poly-line manually down the centers of the structures and create an alignment out of that. If you know this workflow, this approach of selecting one structure, launching the command, and selecting the last one, the software will do all the heavy lifting, and the meticulous work of picking each structure and pipe…
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Understanding storm design for sites4m 15s
Determining inlet locations4m
Creating inlets4m 39s
Adding pipes5m 40s
Adding more structures3m 58s
Labeling the storm system4m 44s
Adding a profile4m 59s
Grading the pond: Part 13m 52s
Grading the pond: Part 24m 34s
Finalizing the storm design8m 11s