From the course: AutoCAD Civil 3D: Site Design

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Building an overall grading scheme

Building an overall grading scheme - AutoCAD Civil 3D Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD Civil 3D: Site Design

Building an overall grading scheme

- [Instructor] For the first phase of our grading design, we'll establish the overall grading scheme. Let's get started. As we discussed in the previous video, we want to slope in this direction at 2% with this lower left corner of the parking lot being the low point in that slope. So to get started, I'm simply going to draw a polyline and I'll draw it from about here to about here and what's dictating the way I draw this is I'm going to project across the parking lot perpendicular to this feature line or to this polyline to another polyline up here so I'm going to cover over the parking lot. Now, I'll turn that into a feature line. Actually, I want to use this command, Feature Line, Create Feature Lines from Objects. I'll select it and press Enter and I want to use the Site Grading Construction Line style. That's good and I also want to Assign Elevations and Erase Existing Entities. I'll click Okay and when I'm prompted to assign an elevation, I'm going to type in 2160 'cause I know…
