From the course: AutoCAD Civil 3D: Site Design
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Working with volumes - AutoCAD Civil 3D Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD Civil 3D: Site Design
Working with volumes
- [Narrator] Grading objects can be powerful tools when you're trying to balance cuts and fills or reach a specific earthwork goal. Let's see how it works. In this drawing we've got a pretty simple grading group, it's a feature line with an infill in the center, and then on the exterior we're simply grading out and tying to existing ground. Maybe I'm trying to flatten this area out to build a home or a parking lot or something along those lines. When I do this though, I don't want to have to bring earth in to build it, and I don't want to have to take earth away after building it. So I need to balance my cuts and fills, and as I mentioned in the opening, grading objects have the capability to do that for you. To do that, I'll start by clicking a grading object, and I want to make sure that the grading group is set up properly, so I'll go to Grading Group Properties, and I first want to make sure that I've created a surface for this grading group, and I have, it's called Pad, and I…
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