From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

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Add surface boundaries

Add surface boundaries

- [Instructor] Applying boundaries is another way to make your surface more accurate. Let's take a look at how they work. I'm going to focus in on this top right view port where we've got our surface, as you can see by the contours. And we've got some buildings, these rectangular shapes that are located here. We've got a farm in this area and these are some buildings located on the farm. So as a general rule, you don't ever want to have contours passing through your buildings. And in fact, you shouldn't have surface data at all because the ground isn't exposed where those buildings are located. So we simply eliminate that surface data. So that's our practical application for boundaries in this exercise. So to get started, I'll click a contour to select the surface and I'll take advantage of my contextual ribbon tab and come up here to the Add Data drop down and pick Boundaries. I can give my boundaries a name if I like.…
