From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

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Configure and apply description keys

Configure and apply description keys

- [Instructor] In the last video we saw how to automate the line work as our survey data was imported. What if we could do that with symbols like trees, manholes or power poles? Let's see how that's done using something called description keys. I'll start by going to the settings tab of tool space and on the settings tab under point, we'll see a node called description key sets. I'll expand that and you'll see that one's already been created called essentials. Let's right click that, pick edit keys, and take a look inside. What we see here are a list of description keys. They literally key on the description that's provided for the point, such as BLD for buildings, and BOB for bottom of bank, and so on. With each one of these description keys, we can automate quite a few things about those points as they're brought in. For example, what point style are they displayed with? What point label style is used to annotate them?…
