From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

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Create multiple parcels

Create multiple parcels

- [Instructor] In the last video, we had Civil 3D size parcels for us, and that saved us some time. What if we could do that with dozens, or even hundreds of parcels at once? Let's see how that's done. I'll start just like we did before. On the home tab of the ribbon, I'll click parcel and parcel creation tools. The big difference with what we're going to do in this example is we're going to change automatic mode to on. I'm going to subdivide this parcel, parcel number 30. And we'll do it using the slide line create tool. So I'll launch the command, click okay to accept the defaults, and I'll select the area label of property 30. Next, I need to define my frontage. So I'll pan up here to the beginning of Jordan Court, and use my endpoint object snap to pick the beginning of this curve. I'll then slide along the right of way line, which is going to represent my frontage, until I get the whole way around to this…
