From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

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Create parcels from objects

Create parcels from objects

- [Instructor] Now that you know a little bit about parcels, let's create some. We'll begin with creating parcels from objects that already exist in the drawing. To get started, I'll go to the home tab. And under Parcel, I'll select Create Parcel From Objects. To get started, we want to create this large overall project boundary. And we can pick any objects in the drawing as long as they form a closed shape, we'll get a parcel out of it. So I'm going to click this Southern right of way line for Emerson Road and then click this green poly line which represents the existing boundary of the lot that we're developing. After picking those two, I'll press enter. And then I get some default settings for the parcels or parcel that I'm about to create. What site do they exist in? We talked about sites in the previous video and we understand them to mean a site as a collection of objects that are aware of each other and can…
