From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

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Create parcels using the parcel sizing tools

Create parcels using the parcel sizing tools - AutoCAD Civil 3D Tutorial

From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

Create parcels using the parcel sizing tools

- [Instructor[ In most cases, parcels need to be created according to requirements based on area, frontage, depth, and others. Let's take a look at how we can get Civil 3D to do the math for us and solve for these requirements. To get started, I'll go to the home tab of the ribbon and click parcel, parcel creation tools. This is the same toolbar we used in the previous video but you'll notice that I have this window expanded out along the bottom of the toolbar. If you don't see that, you can change it by clicking this button here and what this area contains are the design requirements for the parcel that we are about to create, the area must be at least 10,890 feet and the frontage must be at least 60 feet. We're also using this option to use the minimum frontage at offset. That means we're going to apply the 60 foot minimum at 15 feet away from the frontage, think of this like a building setback line. We've also got a…
