From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

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Edit feature lines with geometry commands

Edit feature lines with geometry commands - AutoCAD Civil 3D Tutorial

From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

Edit feature lines with geometry commands

- [Instructor] Now that you've learned how to create feature lines, let's look at how to edit them. We'll begin with editing the horizontal geometry of the feature lines, and we'll save the elevations for the next video. You'll notice we have a green feature line in the drawing that's not quite how it should be. We're missing this point, we're missing a curve, we're actually missing a point just inside of this corner as well. So let's take a look at correcting some of these geometric shortcomings. To get started, I'll click the feature line, and using the contextual ribbon that appears, I'll click the insert PI icon. I'll simply snap to the center of the blue circle. And when I do that, I'm going to be prompted for an elevation. If you remember from the previous video, we can use surface as an option when assigning elevations to our feature line vertices. So I'll do that here. You'll notice right now the default…
