From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training
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Explore the drawing settings with the Settings tab - AutoCAD Civil 3D Tutorial
From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training
Explore the drawing settings with the Settings tab
- [Instructor] Civil 3D is a very complex program, and it also has amazing potential for automation. For that automation to take place, you have to be able to configure all of the settings that control it. Let's see where that happens. Just below the Prospector tab in the tool space, we see the Settings tab. Here, you see a list of objects that you may recognize from looking at the Prospector tab in the previous exercise. What's happening here is that for all of those object types that you saw in Prospector, there are settings that go with them. Ways for you or someone else to configure those objects in ways that will save you time. For example, under Surface, we see Surface Styles. These control the appearance and behavior of surfaces, and automate the output that surfaces create. And down a little bit, we have Label Styles located under Surfaces, and these do the same thing for the annotation that you use to provide text…
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Getting to know the user interface3m 26s
Use the application menu3m 56s
Use the ribbon to launch commands4m 48s
Explore the model with the Prospector tab2m 29s
Explore the drawing settings with the Settings tab1m 38s
Explore Panorama2m 11s
Use transparent commands3m 31s
Use the Inquiry Tool2m 10s
Getting to know Project Explorer3m 40s
Browse objects with Project Explorer7m 32s
Edit objects with Project Explorer6m 41s
Compare objects with Project Explorer3m 33s
Create tables and reports with Project Explorer8m 35s