From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

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Project objects to profile view

Project objects to profile view

- [Instructor] Profiles are a great place to illustrate what's going on with your drawing in a vertical sense. For that reason, Civil 3D allows us to project objects from our drawing into the profile view, so that we can see how they interact with roads, pipes and other Civil 3D design components. Let's see how that works. To begin I'll just zoom into our profile view. I'll click the profile view grid to select it. And then I'll pick project objects to profile view up here on the ribbon. Now for our first example, I want to do a linear projection. We've got a waterline represented along the east side of the property here in blue. This happens to be a blue three dimension or a 3D polyline. So not only does it show the path of the waterline. If I were to look at this in 3D, it would also show how the waterline changes elevation underground. You'll notice that Jordan court is parallel to it in some places, roughly parallel,…
