From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

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Understand grading

Understand grading

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we're going to talk about redesigning the terrain of our project, also known as grading. Before we dig in, pun totally intended, let's discuss the basic concepts of grading. You might be thinking that we've already modified the terrain in our project using the corridor, and if you are thinking that, that's totally true. I guess technically that is a form of grading, but we simply don't refer to it that way. When we talk about grading, we're not referring to the long linear terrain shaping typically done with corridors. Instead, we're talking about isolated areas, like a residential lot, a pond, or a parking lot. In fact, we've got a residential lot or two of them here represented, as well as a pond in 2D and 3D. These are all examples of areas where we perform grading in Civil 3D. Now, the key object at play with grading is the surface, which you learned about in chapter four. And in that…
