From the course: Autodesk Civil 3D 2023 Essential Training

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Use transparent commands

Use transparent commands

- [Man] Civil engineers and surveyors draw things a little differently than architects or mechanical engineers. They use things like bearings, curve deltas, northings and eastings. Transparent commands enable Civil 3D users to draw things using these special consideration. Let's try it out with one of the transparent commands in Civil 3D. I'm going to start by launching the line command and to do that, I'll just simply type the word line on my screen. It will show up next to my cursor and perhaps on my command line, just depending on how the settings are configured. I'll press enter and that launches the command. When I'm prompted to specify the first point I'm just going to pick a point near the center of my screen. And when I'm prompted to specify the next point that's where I'm going to launch one of the transparent commands. The reason they're called transparent commands is because I can execute them transparently…
