From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Multileader styles

Multileader styles

- [Instructor] I like the way AutoCAD controls leaders. I don't normally say this, but it's actually better than Revit. Let's go ahead and configure a multileader style. Let's check on the AutoCAD, whatever version you want is fine. I'm going to go to Open Files. I'm going to browse for where I'm keeping my Exercise Files and I'm going to grab Multileader. If you have another file with some text in it that you want to use, that's fine. I'm going to click Open. Now, what I'd like to do is go to the Annotate tab. Under Leaders, we'll see we have Multileader. I'm going to come over here and click on the little Multi-leader Style Manager button. There we go. Now what I'd like to do is click on the New button right here. For the New style name I'm going to call it Custom Multileader. We'll start with Standard but I want to make it Annotative, for sure. Let's click Continue. Let's start from the beginning, let's go to Leader Format. The type, notice we can have Straight, Spline, or None…
