From the course: Building an Application with Svelte and Firebase

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Configuring Tailwind CSS with Svelte

Configuring Tailwind CSS with Svelte

- [Instructor] Throughout this course we have covered many things about Svelte and Firebase and we have also created a crude application using these tools. One of the major concerns of every user of a web application is its design interface, how beautiful it is and how appealing it looks. In this video, we will be configuring Svelte with Tailwind CSS. In essence, Tailwind CSS is a utility force CSS framework for quickly creating unique user experience. It is a low level CSS framework that is extremely adaptable and provides you with all the building blocks required to create custom designs without the testable, inflexible styles that you must struggle to override. The great thing about Tailwind is that it doesn't dictate how your website should look or adhere to any design standards. To build a distinctive user interface, you simply combine little component. At the end of this video, this is what we will be…
