From the course: Building Interactive UIs with SolidJS: Key Concepts and Features

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SolidJS vs. other front-end libraries

SolidJS vs. other front-end libraries

- [Instructor] Let's take a deeper dive into SolidJS, and see how it stacks up against other big names in the front end landscape, like React, Vue, and Svelte. Starting with React. React is known for its unidirectional flow, which essentially means data has one way to be transferred to components, promoting consistency and predictability. If you've worked with React, you've seen this in action with props flowing down to child components. SolidJS respects this philosophy too and follows a similar thought pattern. But it has worthy pathways. React works with a Virtual DOM. So whenever there's an update that needs to be made to the UI, react first creates a virtual representation of the DOM. It then makes the necessary changes to this Virtual DOM based on the application state. After that, the react identifies the differences between the previous Virtual DOM and the updated Virtual DOM, before finally updating the View DOM.…
