From the course: Building Modern Projects with React
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Refactoring the todos reducer
From the course: Building Modern Projects with React
Refactoring the todos reducer
- Now that we've defined an is-loading reducer that tells us whether or not our application is in the process of loading our todos, we need to make some important changes to our todos reducer to reflect the fact that we're now loading data from a server. Currently, the todos that are displayed after our app is done loading data from the server aren't actually the todos that we get in their spots. They're still just our locally defined todos. What we're going to do in this video is make it so that our app actually displays the todos fetched from the server. So what we're going to do is open up reduced.js and we are going to incorporate three actions we created in a previous video, load_todos_in_progress, load_todos_success, and load_todos_failure into our todos reducer so that it works nicely with our loading flow. So here's what we're going to do. Down on our todos reducer, we are going to create cases for each of our…
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Why do you need Redux Thunk?1m 57s
How does Redux Thunk work?2m 51s
Adding Redux Thunk to React2m 30s
Creating a thunk3m 30s
The Todos API2m 18s
Async thunks5m 56s
Adding another reducer7m 19s
Refactoring the todos reducer2m 50s
Using thunks to create server resources5m 58s
Using thunks to delete server resources4m 46s
Challenge: Using thunks to update server resources1m 14s
Solution: Using thunks to update server resources3m 34s