From the course: Building Modern Projects with React (2020)

What this course covers

- [Narrator] As I mentioned before, this course is aimed at React developers who have spent most of their time developing with Vanilla React and are now looking for a way to more effectively manage the many different concerns present in a full scale React application. Now I firmly believe that this is an important step toward achieving greatness, and well sanity, as a React developer when working on large, complex React applications. So my hope for this course is to give you solid experience with some of the most important tools in the React ecosystem. This course aims to help you make sense of the numerous and incredibly useful tools available to the modern React developer, learn how to use them correctly, and incorporate them into your React development environment. To do this, we're going to start off by creating a basic React application from scratch, and then use this application as a jumping off point to learn about the many different tools that are available to us, including Redux, Thunk, Reselect and styled-components. We'll learn the basics of each of these technologies, such as how it works and why it's useful, and I'll walk you through the process of adding and integrating each one into your React project. And last but not least, because I'm a big believer in the importance of tests in any code base, we'll see how to test all the technologies that we cover in this course. So by the end of this course, you'll have a fully functional React project that you can use a reference for all future React projects that you undertake. You'll also have the understanding required to use each of these tools effectively to write beautiful, maintainable, and performant React applications, and skills that will help you excel in a corporate environment where such tools are used regularly. Well I'm really excited to get started on this with you, so that we have our basic plan of attack, let's jump right in.
