From the course: Cert Prep Autodesk Certified Professional: Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design

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Create gravity pipe networks

Create gravity pipe networks

- [Instructor] Now that you've learned about part lists and how gravity pipe networks go together, let's go ahead and create one. There are two ways to create gravity networks: from objects and by layout. To create a gravity network from objects, you'll go to the Pipe Network dropdown and click Create Pipe Network from Object. In this example, I'm going to choose a polyline that represents part of a sanitary system that will be used for this residential development. I'll click the polyline and you'll notice the direction of flow is indicated by this white arrow. That is the actual direction of flow, so I'll press Enter for OK. If it were the opposite direction, I could click Reverse here or type R + Enter to reverse it. Now I've got to answer some information about the network that I'm creating. What's the name of the network? I'll call this Sanitary 1. I can provide a description. That's optional. A very…
