From the course: Cert Prep Autodesk Certified Professional: Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design

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Edit point properties

Edit point properties

- [Instructor] One way that we can manipulate point objects in Civil 3D is by changing their properties. Let's see how that works. So for many objects in Civil 3D there's a specific Properties command. But as we're about to learn, for points you just use the AutoCAD Properties command. So for example, if I click on this point object and look at the contextual tab that pops up, I don't see a point-specific properties command. We'll see that with some other objects that we study in the course. But here we just see Properties. So I'll click that command. And if you're familiar with AutoCAD at all, you're very familiar with the Properties palette. Now, what's great about the fact that Civil 3D is built on AutoCAD is that we can leverage some of these AutoCAD user interface components like properties. So when we select a Civil 3D point, we get all of these properties that are unique to Civil 3D points. For example, in the…
