From the course: Cert Prep: Microsoft Windows Client (MD-100)

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Basic remote access troubleshooting

Basic remote access troubleshooting

- [Instructor] If you've ever had a problem connecting to a device remotely, your first instinct might have been to reach out to your IT department or a tech savvy friend. This isn't always necessary though. There are a few things you can try on your own. First, make sure that you're connected to a network and have internet access. In Windows 11, you can do that from a lot of places but you can get to it quickly from the task bar. Look for a network icon and notice if you have internet access or not. I don't, and it says no connections are available. I'm going to right click this and open network and internet settings to have a look. I can see here that wifi is off. I'll turn that on and that'll at least be a start. Once you know you are connected to a network, you need to find out if the remote computer you want to connect to is also connected to one. If you're trying to connect to an office PC and you're away from the…
