From the course: Cert Prep: Microsoft Windows Client (MD-100)
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Customize a Windows client installation with the Windows ADK
From the course: Cert Prep: Microsoft Windows Client (MD-100)
Customize a Windows client installation with the Windows ADK
- [Instructor] In larger organizations, network administrators often customize Windows 11 installations to meet the needs of their employees and to make company workstations uniform. Creating groups of desktops that're identical makes it easier to support those when problems arise, and can simplify the processes involved in training users. Organizations can also create multiple images and apply those images to specific groups of users. The inventory department might have one image, while a human resources department has another. One way to customize a Windows installation is to use the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit. The tools in this kit help administrators deploy Windows 11 on a large scale, and customize the images they deploy. If you'd like to install this kit, it's free for Microsoft. I've already installed the kit using the defaults shown here. When creating a custom installation, administrators can…
Select the appropriate Windows edition4m 57s
Prepare hardware for installation2m 46s
Perform a manual clean installation4m 9s
Choose an upgrade or clean installation5m 22s
Perform an in-place upgrade2m 27s
Customize a Windows client installation with the Windows ADK6m 21s
Configure activation and troubleshoot activation issues3m 36s