From the course: Cert Prep: Microsoft Windows Client (MD-100)
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Manage local groups
From the course: Cert Prep: Microsoft Windows Client (MD-100)
Manage local groups
- [Instructor] If you have a home or small office and only have a few users to manage, one option is to manage them each independently. You can create users from settings and accounts. Start, Settings and Accounts. I'll click family and other users to show you some of the users I've created. Here we have Jane, John, and Leah. You can also create folders and share them manually. I've created two shares in the C drive, named Share1 and Share2. Here, we could right click, choose Properties. And then we could go to the Security tab, Edit, and we could add users. Let's not do that until we talk a little bit more about groups. You can also create folders and share them manually. I've created two folders in the C drive, named Share1 and Share2. I could apply my own permissions here to define which users can access what resources, and then define permissions to manage access. This could be sufficient if I have a very small…
Manage local users7m 19s
Manage local user profiles3m 12s
Manage local groups6m 22s
Manage Microsoft accounts on Windows client3m 40s
Enable users and groups from Active Directory5m 38s
Join computers to Active Directory3m 13s
Configure sign-in options3m 27s
Manage credentials by using Credential Manager5m 2s
Configure User Account Control (UAC)3m 42s
Local Administrator Password Solutions (LAPS)1m 36s