From the course: Cert Prep: Revit MEP Mechanical & Plumbing Certified Professional

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Apply view templates

Apply view templates

- [Narrator] What's call about Revit is the fact that we can be consistent with how our views look. For example, I can set up one view, change a bunch of stuff, turn a bunch of things on or off, and then actually save that configuration. Let's get started by jumping into Revit and let's open up a project. Let's go to Projects, Open. Now I wanna grab the file called View Templates and I'm gonna click Open. Now what I wanna do is go to Floor Plan One Mech. I wanna zoom into this area here. And what I'd like to do is do a Callout. So go to View, go to Callout, and pick a window right around this area right here. Now let's double click on the Callout. Let's do a couple things. First of all, I don't want to see that floor pattern, and I want to see this as two line, and I want the scale to be different. So I'm gonna set my scale, but notice that we can't set our scale. Well there's a problem here. We've already set to Review Template. What I'd like to do is in the Properties, scroll down…
