From the course: Cert Prep: Revit MEP Mechanical & Plumbing Certified Professional

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Copy levels and set up monitoring

Copy levels and set up monitoring

- [Instructor] The first thing we do when we start any mechanical model is we have to bring in an architectural underlay. What I'd like to do in this video is link a structural model as well as an architectural model. In Revit, under Projects, let's start a new model using a mechanical template. Notice that we're in 1 Mech HVAC floor plan. It doesn't really matter what view we're in as long as it's not a drafting view or a sheet. So go to the Insert tab, and here you'll find Link Revit. Another way to do this is if we scroll down on the project browser, and we right click on Revit Links, we can go to New Link right here. So either way, I'm gonna go to Link Revit. Browse to where you're keeping your exercise files. The first one I'm gonna grab is Architectural. Now, the positioning is Auto Origin to Origin by default. Your project may be on Shared Coordinates, or you can go Project Base Point to Project Base Point. In this video we'll go Auto Origin to Origin. Let's click Open. Now…
